A playdate

Today Eva and Maggie had a playdate with one of their friends. A friend of mine has a daughter who is going into 3rd grade this fall, came over to play with the girls while her mom was at work. The little girl who's name is Bella, was in summer camp and it ended 2 weeks prior to school starting and so i have helped her mom out a couple of times with watching her. She is such a help because the girls absoluately adore her.

The started with Bella and Eva watching 101 Dalmations and a couple episodes of Dora the Explorer and Go Deigo Go. Then they decided to built a fort/club house. I wish I was able to take pictures because it was the cutest thing. Maggie even enjoyed herself going in and out of the clubhouse. As a special treat for the girls, I made a picnic lunch for them and we went to the park. The girls played there for a few hours and they even had a couple of other friends from the subdivision come up too the park. Maggie has discovered how much she likes crawling around the playground. A couple of times she stood up and took a few steps on the jungle gym but then would quickly land on her butt. She is getting closer and closer every day with walking.

After the park, Eva and Maggie took their afternoon nap and Bella watched Cinderella 3 and played with her DS. Bella left when the girls were still sleeping and then Eva wanted to watch Cinderella. After dinner, Eva helped Jim and I make chocolate chip cookies and we watched The little Mermaid as a family. Those are the moments I will cherish for the rest of my life, just relaxing and watching a movie with my family.


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