Finding a Preschool

I never thought finding a preschool would be just a difficult and stressful experience. For the past several weeks I have calling several schools that offering preschool starting at the age of 3 and doing a lot of research on them as well. I have been looking both public, private and even daycare. I have been very disappointed and extremelu frustrated with my results. Most of the schools were full for the three program or didn't offer assistance on the tution costs. With the way the economy is today you would think they would to try to more accomodating but no. Then some of them just didn't met my requiremnets that I am looking for in a preschool program. As a typical mom, I want the best for my daughter but also as a persom who used to work in a preschool setting for many years I guess I just expect a higher standard.

Finally, sometime last week I called the Lisle Park District and they have a 3 year preschool program and they offer 3 days a week(Mon, Wednes, Fri) for 110 dollars a month or 2 days a week (Tues, Thrus) for 90 dollars a month. I couldn't believe the prices, it was the cheapest one I found. They are full in for the 3 days a wek choice but still have some opennings for the 2 days a week choice. As for the curriculum, they focus on science, language, math, fine arts and social skills. Which are all important areas for me, but also it has small class sizes and it follows the regular school year, so I can still plan so many fun activites durning summer vacation with the my girls and my husband.

So, this Wednesday Jim and I are going to register Eva and then on August 27th, will get to go and see her classroom and meet her teacher. Then on Tuesday September 1st, will be Eva's 1st day of preschool. I will post up pictures of her classroom and her school as soon as I can.


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