Welcome to the world and to our family Audrey Rose! Today my cousin Elizabeth had her first child and daughter. She was born weighing 5lbs 2.7 oz and 19 inches long.
Maggie is doing really well with potty training. We started about 2 weeks ago with really pushing her to go on the potty and it helped too that she was showing more and interest with going. She is wearing pull-ups and goes on the potty at least 2-3 times a day. She has gone number #2 once on her potty but hasn't done it since. She also has started telling me that she has to go potty, her pull-up is ususally dry and she does go. Even when her pull-up is dirty, she sometimes will still on her potty and goes as well. My goal is too get her in underwear and potty trainded by April when she turns 3 because next fall she will be in preschool.
So today I signed up both girls for the Summer Reading Program through the Lisle Library. I thought this was something that could help them both have a love of reading that their grandma Kathy, their daddy and I all do. They have a log chart that we write down the books that we read to them and after the first 10 books they get a prize and then after each additional 5 books they recieve another prize. The summer reading program goes until the end of July, with a Beach Party and then they will pick grand prize winners for those who read the most books. The final prizes are pretty cool. The Library also has a Summer Reading Program for adults that I signed up for. I have to read atleast 3 books and complete a review on each book. After the first 3 books, I get a prize. The Summer Read prize will be awarded to the first 250 individuals to complete 3 reviews. But for each book that is logged, I will receive an entry for the raffle drawings at the ...
Today was a friend of Jim's and one of the lead singers in the band Red 70 Blackstar, his and his girlfriends baby shower. They are expecting a baby girl in the middle of August. I think they are naming her Arabella Milan, not quite sure if that is the proper spelling of it. I like it and her middle name is a combination of Katreena's mom's name Mila and Ray's mom's middle name Ann. They was a lot of food there including a pig roast. The entire PIG was just sitting there. I was a little grossed out by it, I think I would not have been so grossed out if the head wasn't still attached to the rest of the body. There were a lot of children there and it was nice for Eva and Maggie to have something to do. Katreena's parents had a lot of games for the children including a baby shower pinata. Ray and Katreena received a lot of gifts and showed us the baby's room, it is a girlie safari theme. The baby's room is Katreena's old baby room....
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