Navy Pier

So today Jim and I decided to do a family day since it was Jim's first day off in about a month and half.  So we went to church as family like we do every Sunday and then headed to Chicago.  The girls knew we were going to "the Big City," which is what they refer to Chicago, but they didn't know what we were doing.  I didn't even know what Jim had planned to do.  Once we got into the city we drove all the way to the lake.  So the girls got to see Buckingham Fountain and Lake Michigan before we got to our destination.  Once we got to our destination, which was NAVY PIER, the girls were so excited.  We went on the Ferris Wheel first and while we were waiting in line they took a family photo of us.  The girls were so fascinated in all the sights that they could see while riding the Ferris wheel.  Then we went to lunch at Bubba Gump, while we waited for our table we watch a performance of pirates.  It was really interesting.  They would fight with each other and then they would just start dancing to modern day music.  After we ate Eva and Maggie took a train ride on Thomas.  Eva, Maggie and I went on the Merry-go-round.  Jim, Eva and Maggie played a round of mini-golf.  Maggie never played and Jim tried to show how to play and she would get frustrated and throw a fit.  Then she decided that she would just take her golf ball all the way by the whole and then hit it in, once she did that we tried to explain that she needed to hit it from the beginning and she respond no that she is playing by her rules.  Jim and I couldn't help but laugh at her because she was being so serious.  We ended the family day with some Hagan Daas ice cream.

Navy Pier 2011


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