It is amazing
Here are a couple of pictures of Eva playing the paino and her drum set that she has. It is amazing how much she loves music. Whether it is playing it, dancing to it or singing; she is doing it. It is one of the many things that I enjoy in my life on a regular basis.
My children are growing up faster and faster with each passing day. Today Eva decided that she doesn't need me to help her with putting on her pull-up or her clothes. Though she had everything on backwards she did put them on. Maggie is becoming more and more her own individual person. Her personality and everything is shining through everyday. Not liking them growing up as fast as they are, I want them to stay little.
I can't believe that my little Maggie is going to be "1" on Monday. I remember like it was yestreday when I went into labor with her and had no clue that I was. I went to the hospital when they were 3 minutes apart and when I got there they told me I was 90 % efaced and 3 cenitmeters dilated. Which didn't really mean anything to me because I was going to have a c-section with her. We didn't know what the baby was and I was convinced that it was a boy and when Jim told me it was a girl my response was "Are you sure." And when they showed me her, I couldn't believe that she was finally here and I had two beautiful daughters. Then I noticed how diffent she was from when Eva was born. She was a blue eyed, blonde hair and pale baby and Eva was a blue eyed, brown hair and tan baby. It was neat to know that Maggie was going to take after Jim and his side of the family. I am so truely blessed to have all 3 of them in my life.
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