Gabriel's 2nd Birthday Party

I can't believe that this little guy will be 2 on Tuesday. So today we celebrated his birthday with few friends and the Stansfield's, mostly my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and her husband. Gabe got the awesome hat and sunglasses in the picture above from his god mother. He also received an awesome firetruck, clip on tie, pair of socks, Mickey Mouse t-shirt and a stuffed Mickey. He received a gift card from our friend Brandon, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle blanket and sound book from our family friend Aida and is receiving gifts from Aunt Beth and Grandma later. We had some cheeseburgers and grilled chicken breasts. I made an Asian Quinoa Salad and a fresh fruit salad. He had a blast and really enjoyed his new gifts. Now I am looking forward to getting his 2 year pictures done with his hat and clip on tie.