
Showing posts from October, 2010

Halloween Pictures

These are my favorite of the pictures that my sisters Mary and Lorene and I had got done of our kids for Halloween.

Dentist Visit

So this morning both Eva and Maggie had their 2nd visit with the dentist.  Their dad was supposed to come for reinforcement but wasn't feeling good so I went solo.  I was dreading going for a few reasons but mostly because I really didn't want to have to hold Maggie down in the chair again.  I was very surprised and proud of both of them.  Eva did really well getting her teeth x-rayed and even Maggie let them x-ray her teeth.  She had her trusty blanket with her so I think that helped.  Maggie was even a champ with getting her teeth cleaned, she sat in the chair all by herself.  When she was done she looked at me and said " I big girl, mommy."  Eva wasn't too keen on getting her teeth cleaned this time.  She isn't a fan of the stuff they use too clean them with, she doesn't like the taste even though it was bubblegum flavor.  I did have to hold her head a little but over she did good.  They both love getting the Sponagebob toothbrus...

Dad's Night Out

Eva's preschool does this special event called "Dad's Night Out."  It is where the children get to bring their dads to their classsroom and experience a shorten version of their day at preschool.  They learned a new dance called the "Monster Mash" and decorated a canvas bag for trick or treating.  Eva was so excited to bring her dad to school and I know Jim didn't really want to go but he was happy that it made his little girl happy and he loves making his girls happy and putting smiles on all three of us.                                              Daddy and Eva                                 ...

Nighttime Park Play

I have been taking the girls outside to get some fresh about 2x a day, and lately I have been taking them out right after dinner and when I am done cleaning up from dinner.  I am trying to get them outside as much as possible before the cold winter months are upon us.  Below are some cute pictures I took when we were outside tonight.

Cookie Time with Grandma

Today Eva and my mother-in-law made my husband's favorite type of cookies, chocolate chip cookies.  I posted some of the pictures I took of them making them because Eva was so proud of herself because she mixed the entired batter herself. 


This morning I went to this thing called a Ultreya.  I used to go to them pretty regularly after I had made my Cursillo Weekend back in November 2006.  Durning the past several years I stopped due to because I was working and I spent the weekends with my family or I was just questioning my faith because of the situations I was finding myself in.  I decided to go with my mother-in-law and our friend Aida.  I am so glad that I did, it has openned my eyes and my heart again.  We went to mass before hand and then went to the Ultreya after mass.  At the Ultreya, they have someone do a witness talk and someone else does a response to the witness talk and there is usually a clerical response.  There wasn't one this time.  After the talks we go into groups of 3-4 people and group.  The grouping is where you would normally meet once a week and you talk about a close moment with Christ, study, and how you are spreading his word through evangalation....

Letter of the Week

              Tt is for...... Tree, turtle, Tommy, Timothy, tan, tie, teal, turquoise, and etc. Eva says to me today, " Hey, Mom this is how you make a T."  When I looked at her she was standing with her legs together and her arms out straight from her was pretty funny.  She can make her letter Tt very well and below are some her projects that she made for the letter Tt.                                             Family Tree                                      Tissue Paper T