Birthday Party

Today Eva went to her first birthday party, for her friend Piper. The little girl who's birthday party it was, was a classmate of Eva's and probablely her best friend. There were two other children from their class that came and they all had so much fun. Raquel (Piper's mom) had set up several different games for the children to do and they also go to pick out prizes if they won. The first thing they did was open a pinata. The children got to pull a sting to try to open the pinata instead of trying to swing a stink to open it. Then they played pin the horn on the unicorn, unicorn races and they had to try to pop a balloon. Eva did win 2 of the unicorn races and picked a parrot and monkey hat. She decided that she was going to give the parrot hat to Maggie. The children also got to keep the unicorn's from the races. Then it was cake and icr cream and then present time. Eva got Piper a fairy dress-up set and a princess wand....