First Trip to the Dentist
Today I took both Eva and Maggie to the dentist for the first time. I have been trying to find a dentist that will see children for the age of 5 and it has been a huge hassle. Finally I was able to find one. Eva was very nervous and cautious to go in at first but quickly warmed up. She really well with getting the x-rays done and listened to the dental hygenist. When the dentist cleaned her teeth she did really well. I was so proud of her. The dentist said it is very normal for her to grind her teeth and that 80% of children do and if it continues to happen when she is 14 or 15 that there will be more concern about it. She had no cavitities. Maggie was not interested in getting her teeth cleaned or getting the x-rays done. The dentist said that she was able to suck on her fingers until she is about 4 but to encourage her to stop now. Her teeth in the front are starting to buck outward.