Jim's 30th Birthday

Jim with his cake while we sang "Happy Birthday".......yes I did put thirty candles on it Melanie, Eva and Jim Jim, Maggie and Melanie......Maggie wanted to hold Melanie all night it was way too cute. Today we really had a wonderful time celebrating Jim's 30th Birthday today. He said he doesn't really feel any older than he did when he was 29. My mom, stepdad, my Uncle Jim, Lorene, Melanie and Mary and Nathan, as well as Jim's mom Kathy and sister Beth, were apart of the festivites. Jim wanted me to make this 3 layer cake called 1-2-3-4 Cake by Paula Dean with his mom's homemade frosting, it acutally came out pretty could for my first time making a 3-layer cake. I think Jim's favorite thing about his birthday was when Eva sang him "Happy Birthday" to him when she woke up this morning. Melanie at 21 weeks old......sitting in a Maggie's excersaucer for the first time Nathan and Eva dancing to the songs in Mamma Mia Eva taking care of her bab...